EON tokens are designed to represent a value of NFE (Non-Fungible Events) Smart Contracts.

1 EON = 1000000000 (109) EPoch = 1000000000000000000 (1018) MOMents

EON ERC-20 token contract is available on Ethereum Main.Net as well as on Ethereum.Sepolia and Optimism.Sepolia for testing.
You may add EON to your wallet as a custom token under the following addresses:

Ethereum Main.Net 0xdce4eea84bf311431d6c5b6783225ac40c57e0bb
Ethereum.Sepolia 0x0070f85b8f975b53f4a4993fdc3328ea1b003bfe
Optimism.Sepolia 0xdcb1f79a006f89b2118db9f39744231d79f950e5

To get started with NFE, you may request 1 EON and 1 ETH per registered @Googlenium account on Local.TestNet blockchain.

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You may support and by exchanging some Ether for EON tokens.

Funds will be used to promote project and add new features and services.

The sender account will receive the equivalent to the donated amount in EON tokens on Ethereum Main.Net as well as EON and Ether on Sepolia and Local.TestNet for implementing NFE smart contracts.

* During the pilot testing EON tokens are available on Sepolia Network.